Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul

Category: Livres anglais et trangers,Religion & Spirituality,Religious Studies

Monkey Girl: Evolution, Education, Religion, and the Battle for America's Soul Details

What should we teach our children about where we come from?Is evolution good science? Is it a lie? Is it incompatible with faith?Did Charles Darwin really say man came from monkeys? Have scientists really detected "intelligent design"—evidence of a creator—in nature?What happens when a town school board decides to confront such questions head-on, thrusting its students, then an entire community, onto the front lines of America’s culture wars?From bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize– winning journalist Edward Humes comes a dramatic story of faith, science, and courage unlike any since the famous Scopes Monkey Trial. Monkey Girl takes you behind the scenes of the recent war on evolution in Dover, Pennsylvania, the epic court case on teaching "intelligent design" it spawned, and the national struggle over what Americans believe about human origins. Told from the perspectives of all sides of the battle, Monkey Girl is about what happens when science and religion collide.





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